October 15, 2008

What a difference a year makes...

We got new family pictures back today, and it is incredible how much we have all changed over the past year...here are ones we had taken in November of last year.

And this year...

I think our physical changes are immense, but they reflect an even bigger change on the inside.

Daughter started off as such a chunky baby!

We took these for her birthday in May...

It is so funny, she still is wearing the same size she did a year ago, but she has still changed so much.

Then these are the newest...

And my darling Son...

We got these pictures taken for his birthday...

But he still changed in the last two months!

I just wanted to share with you some thoughts on the last year for my family. It has been a rough one, make no mistake about it. But it has been a blessing in that we have banded together to pull each other up and keep going despite the roadblocks. I have seen such strength from L as he pulled some of my load as well as his without complaint. I have seen such compassion and caring from my kids, for each other and for me. They have spent countless hours in waiting rooms with nary a meltdown. I have learned to cherish each day we have together and not to take anything for granted. The point I wish to make tonight is to tell your families and friends that you love them often, and show it daily. Never take it for granted when you are together, so many times we get into such a routine that we think that we'll make plenty of memories tomorrow, or when we are less busy, or when we have things just right. Take pictures of messy hair, messy faces as well as the immaculately groomed. I confess, I have looked at some of my favorite pictures and thought, "if only I'd combed her hair/swept the floor/changed her clothes, this would be a good picture." Now I feel like the memory of the messy strawberry face reminds me of how she shoved whole strawberries into her mouth and let the juice run down her face with the sheer delight that only a child has. I apologize for the long post, but I wanted to convey more than just "look at how cute our pictures turned out this year!" I do have things to complain about, but most important of all is that I am so grateful to still be here and able to give my children memories of me and make memories with them. I am vowing to be the fun mom, to tell my kids I love them even when they upset me, and to prioritize time with my family over everything else I feel like I "have" to do(I guess this means I am cleaning house even less these days, oh darn!) Because no matter what happens, these special times are going to end sooner or later. They will go to school, college, get married, etc. etc. But I am their Mommy, if just for today.


Nora said...

So true! I love to read your blog and stay reminded about the things that really matter.

Jeremy and Cindy said...

Bravo! I couldn't have said it better me self. We have to cherish the moments. Loved the pictures. It is neat to see the changes. You have a beautiful family. WW really does work. I tried it before I found out I was having Courtney. It really helped me to think about what I was eating and make choices for a healthier life style. Now if I can only get back into it.

The Roberts Family said...

You guys looks so good!! its crazy the change! it was nice to see the family and spend a little time with you guys! we love you and keep doing what your doing cuz it's working! :) Audg