October 1, 2008

I Love This Man!

Here are some of L's greatest hits photographically. I just had to share.
You gotta love a man who isn't afraid to play superheroes when it is asked of him.

At the A. Picnic. He did this for me! Romantic, huh? A man who will totally humiliate himself to please his wife.

He takes the hits for his family, sometimes literally(with a baseball, no less{no, is wasn't me!})

I love him despite, or maybe because of some of the things you see here. But mostly, I love him because he gave me this:
And this:
He is so funny, sweet, kind, tough, tender, strong, intelligent...I could go on and on(I am already, aren't I?) He is the yang to my yin, the perfect complement of strengths to my weaknesses, and vice versa. To the perfect man for me...I love you, babe.


Jeremy and Cindy said...

Very sweet! I am glad that you are Luis are doing so well after being together for so many years. How many years have you been a couple now, 10 or 11?

J-mama said...

Well, I am afraid to admit how many years we have been together, it makes me seem OLD! But this year is lucky #13. I do feel very lucky that we have grown together instead of apart as we have grown up. Maybe not so much luck as blessings and dedication!

Unknown said...

oh my goodness! i can't believe how big the kids are!!! we have to get together sometime soon!

The Roberts Family said...

lol cute pic