October 8, 2008


Cindy Hunt has tagged me to play this game. Here are the rules...
1: Each player starts with 8 random habits/facts about themselves. 2: People who are tagged need to write a post on their blog about their eight things and post these rules. 3: At the end of the post you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.
I am a total rookie at this stuff, but here goes...hmm, 8 random/wierd facts about me...L helped me because of course, I do not think anything about me is wierd, he was kind enough to point out a few things! ;)

1.I love to cook, but I am not a great talent at keeping the house clean, I find it very difficult.
2. I like to crumble crackers or cornbread on top of soup.
3.I am VERY easily grossed out. I cannot bring myself to even say a word that I think is gross. I have to look the other way if there is roadkill, L has to lie to me and say it is just a piece of wood or something so I don't get too grossed out. I know he is lying, but I choose to believe it!
4.I am a huge perfectionist. I have to have things perfect, or I can't do them at all. Maybe that is why I have trouble with keeping the house clean. I don't have time or energy to have it as perfectly clean as I would like it, so I just can't do it!
5.I hate shopping. Even if it is for something I need, I can't bring myself to buy it unless L talks me into it. I like looking, but hate buying. I know a lot of people who wish they had this problem!
6. I love music, but I don't love listening to the radio, because I don't believe that a lot of what they play qualifies as music. I love all genres of music, but I am picky about individual songs.
7.I hate driving. I will avoid it every chance I get.
8.I love spending time with my giant extended family, I can't get enough of it! Every year we see them during the busy holidays, and every year I vow not to have the holidays be the only time I see them! Maybe this year...

Ok, now, you all know I am a rule breaker...I am not(gasp!) going to name 8 people I'm tagging...I am tagging YOU! Yes, you, reading this right now, if you have not done this, consider yourself tagged. Love you! haha


angiedunn said...

I love readin' this! so fun!

we have so much in common, minus the whole love to cook thing. maybe you could teach me. (:

Jeremy and Cindy said...

Thanks for playing along. I Enjoyed learning a little bit more about you.