October 2, 2008

Ice Cream Truck

The other night L and I were working on a outdoor project together, so the kids hung out in the back of the Rodeo and played "Ice Cream Truck." Every so often L or I would take an ice cream break and buy pretend ice cream from the kids. Son was so hilarious as the little businessman...Vanilla was $1 but the fancier the flavor, the prices went up! Strawberry was $4!
And man, you had to make sure he remembered to count out your change, too! He almost kept my whole pretend $20 bill! Sheesh!
They also had cookies and cream flavor until...SOMEONE ate all the cookies!
My kids had a blast, but they must have been too sweet, because despite our best efforts with bug spray, they got lots of mosquito bites! I felt really bad, but we were working on the door, there really was nothing more we could do. I had to explain to Son's preschool teacher when I dropped him off the next day that it was not chicken pox!


Unknown said...

they are so adorable and i love the creativity of julian! so cute! at this point silas' "pretending" consists of putting various items on his head and then saying, "hat, hat" and laying down in random places and saying "nigh night" and then laughing histerically.

it's great to see his sense of humor developing and him making believe but i definitely look forward to his games evolving!

Jeremy and Cindy said...

How fun. It is so fun to see how creative children's minds are. They don't need much to entertain them. Oh and my the way I have tagged you. Go check out my blog for the details.

The Roberts Family said...

mmmm ice cream! i guess we will see you this weekend!