July 20, 2009


Apparently, I am doing quite the trendy thing. Between Facebook and my beloved blogs, I am with the "in crowd" these days. {shudder} I hate to be trendy. But my darling husband has been asking me why I do not Twitter also. I have a sneaking suspicion he is being a tiny bit sarcastic, as he just might want something to tease me about. But I looked into it. Apparently, Twitter is huge right now. Like, totally trendy, which totally repels me. Strike One. All the celebs are doing it on their Blackberries...strike two. You are limited to 140 characters??? All right.. that does it. I am sorry, I know you all will be hugely disappointed but if you remember from a certain earlier post I wrote about texting, that is just not enough room for me. As much as you wanted to be continually updated on the minute to minute excitement that is my life, I can't fit it into 140 characters. And it is trendy. eew. I have to invest my energy into less trendy and more constructive endeavors...but hark!
I hear from the other room the "Ohhhhhhhh!" sound in unison from my children. Do you know what that means? Oh, yeah, Spongebob is on and they are not napping. So the blogging break is over. See you later, trendy friend.


The Roberts Family said...

no twitter for me!

Yadirapocketfullofhopes said...

I loathe twitter!! I went on their to see what the big deal was about and I hated it!!! yay :) you are not going to be a twitter... dork :)

Bradley said...

I agree with you there sis' Twitter sounds like a total waste of time... pointless...