November 20, 2008

Grandpa update

Just thought I'd give a quick update since I have finally gotten to see Grandpa. My sweet big sis watched the kids the other day, and now L and I went and my mama watched them in the lobby so we could have a quick visit.
Grandpa is doing great. He is making lots of new friends of all the nice young nurses who take care of him. He is directing the phlebotomists as to which veins would be good to try next, then stealing the bands they have wrapped around his arm. He swears he is going to make an entire collection of slingshots when he gets out. As of today, I think he has 8 collected. As he told the poor phlebotomist today as he clutched the rubber band, "I'm keeping this, you're not getting it back!" And all the poor man could say was "ok, um, keep it to remember me by."
Also, somebody owes this man a pizza party! Apparently, they made a deal that when his weight got down to a certain number, he would get a pizza party. He found out what his weight was in Kilos, then had to ask around and finally called me to look up the conversion for him. He had correctly suspected that he was in the pizza party zone. Today after his angioplasty when we came to see him, all he could talk about was that he was supposed to have a pizza party!
L sent him a cap with the county logo on it(he collects hats) and I delivered it the other day when I went. He sent it home with the first person going because he did not want someone to get "sticky fingers" while he was getting his angioplasty. In the meantime, he didn't mind one bit leaving his laptop behind sitting on the table! That really made L feel good.
Anyway, while he still does not know how much longer they are going to keep him, you can take some comfort in knowing that he is staying as positive as I have seen him, and they are taking very good care of him.
Oh, and by the way, in case we were worrying about his lungs all this time, he says that he heard that our lungs are made to last 150 years, and hearts 100 years, so the heart is bound to go bad before the lungs. Of course, since he is as old as the hills, there's no telling when he'll hit 100. I have been praying, not for him to have more time on this earth, but for the time he has to be good time. And so far, it seems my prayers have been answered.