November 16, 2008

Grandpa O Week

This week, for reasons obvious to those of you who know me, I am going to post about my Grandpa O. I was going to post all at once, but it was going to be way too long. So one day at a time, so to speak.

Top 10 reasons my Grandpa is John Wayne to me:
10. He looks like him(kinda.)
9. He is a polio survivor.
8. He was bucked off a horse when I was young, and landed on his feet.
7. That horse was still his favorite horse.
6. While healing from the knee replacement he had to have as a result of #8, he refused to use crutches or a cane. He managed to break a bolt that was inside his leg, half of it is still in there somewhere.
5. I kid you not, he feels no pain in his arms or hands. He will see blood dripping before he realizes maybe he needs a band-aid(or stitches)
4. He has got an endless supply of old-time cowboy stories. And the cars he used to own. And that broke down or he "wished he hadn't sold."
3. I really don't know how old he is. When we were little and we would ask him, he would just say, "I'm as old as the hills." (That is a true story!)
2. He used to name his cows after everyone he knew, according to their personality and looks. I will not name any names, but if a cow was ornery, he'd name it after someone ornery, and so forth. He used to have a cow he named Maria. He is not fluent in Spanish, but he swore up and down that Maria only understood Spanish. He would call to his cows, then a special Spanish call just for Maria.
1. He used to be a trapper for a living. He would trap coyotes and skin them. He'd tan the hides and sell them. Not PC nowadays, but back then there was no PC. Those who know him really well should recall the pet(two, at one point) that he kept in the old dairy. I won't be too specific here because I am not sure it was legal to keep Ralph as a pet(can't remember the girl's name right now)

I am trying to bring back memories of him for myself, as I have him on my mind a lot right now and can't go see him.


Jessica Everleth said...


If I remember correctly her name was Sheba.

The Roberts Family said...

Amen! i love that man!!! i might need to copy and past it onto my blog ;)

J-mama said...

you have my permission to copy me! ;)