June 27, 2009


We are friends with Spiderman, didn't you know?

Just kidding...he came to town to talk about being a "Buddy, not a Bully" in April, I think, for Child Abuse Prevention Month. I have neglected writing this post since then because it is a very touchy subject. There were many parents who seemed a little put off by Spidey talking about very sensitive subjects such as abuse and what to do. Of course dealing with bullies their own age is tough, but the lines there are more clear cut than abuse by a trusted adult. I think Spidey did a great job explaining to kids about physical, emotional and sexual abuse, but he only opened the door for an ongoing conversation between parents and children.
Spidey says...say "NO...GO...TELL" Simple thing for kids to remember.
I have been spending a lot of time in waiting rooms lately and have read quite a few magazine articles. One thing I read that has really stuck in my head is about kidnapping. It said something like most kidnappings are done by someone the child knows(I am assuming vaguely knows.) What the magazine recommended you teach your child to do is always tell someone they have to ask their mom before they go anywhere, no matter who it is or where. I had this conversation with Son yesterday(after seeing something on tv.) I used myself as an example and said that Mommy and Daddy always let each other know where we are going for safety so we know the other one is ok, he needs to as well. Even if he sees a school friend when we are at the park and they need to go to the bathroom, he should ask Mommy first so that I know where he is and that he is ok. Son is very into superheroes and has been saying things like when he gets older he will fight the strangers and things like that. I am still straightening that one out, but he is aware of the danger of strangers. He has known about not talking to strangers for a long time. I think that part of things is drilled into kids' heads, but how do you teach them not to trust someone they may kind of know? Or think they know well? This scares me so badly that I have to find a way to protect my children. I don't want them scared of everyone and everything, but I don't want them to be victims. So I am going to talk about these ugly things with them in an effort to educate and protect them. Thank goodness I have Spiderman on my side!