May 18, 2009

Titanic, part one...

I am a detail oriented person. Very detail oriented. More than anyone else you will probably ever meet. I could make a living proofreading the phonebook if there was good money in it. I'm not kidding. So when I start a project, I have many detailed questions. Many. Detailed. Questions....

I started an "easy" sewing project a long time ago. So long that I refuse to write down how long I have stared at it and wished I could finish it. It started out as a rag quilt, now it is a King size bedspread. I have tripped myself up on every phase of this project. I tend to think of ways to make projects "different" or "better" and usually that just means "compl-i-ca-ted." I asked L to help me and promptly confused the heck out of him. We finally configured the thing to where we "wouldn't hate it for eternity" and it is almost finished. It is now dubbed the Titanic...the no-fail, dummy sewing project that hit many innocent-looking snags that nearly sank it. It now proudly rests on the water(bed) because although I am not done with the "rag" part, it is assembled and we are sleeping with it, darnit! So I will undress my bed daily and work on the ragging part faithfully, and when Titanic sails I will proudly post pictures!

P.S. Too many details?


angiedunn said...

oh how i relate. (:

Jeremy and Cindy said...

Those projects always seem harder to get done once you have children. Knowing you it will turn out great.