October 16, 2009


Look what I got from my darling tonight.  He is so sweet.  I won't lie, I did drop a hint a couple weeks ago, but he remembered and picked these up on his way home from work for me.   I love them, I love that they are not cut and still alive(ask me again in a couple weeks as to whether they still are) and so cute.  Now I am off to google how to take care of them, as I have been born with a black thumb.  I hope you have a lovely weekend with your loved ones.  Cherish them every day.

His Father's Son

Yes, that is my son doing multiple pullups on his father's pullup bar.  He is quite the strong boy, but he is our only son so we didn't think he was out of the ordinary.  Then we watched this TV show about this little Hercules boy(I don't remember exactly what they called him) and we laughed the whole time.  We said, "That kid is nothing out of the ordinary!  This is ridiculous, making such a big deal because this kid is strong."  Well, either there was no reason to make a TV show over that kid, or Son is just as amazing, because here is my bad(he was in the dimly lit hall and his dad was spotting) photographic evidence that Son does the same thing.  He also does two handed swings with a 20-pound kettlebell, 10 at a time.  He lifted his friend up(who is the same age) and put him on his shoulders, helping him climb.  When his sister was born, he was almost 3.  He used to pick her up and carry her around the waist.  People were shocked that I let him pick up his sister, but I figured that it was better to let him and make sure he was being safe than have him do it while I was not around.  I thought nothing of him being that strong even then.  When he laughs hard or yells, you can see his six-pack.  He has biceps and pectorals at 5 years old, and has had them all along.  And we don't have him in gymnastics or karate to try to push him to get strong.  He just is.  Like I said, he is his father's son.  And he has brains.  Look out world!

October 15, 2009

You can Thank Me Later

As you may know, I am a creative cook.  After a long hiatus, I have finally started writing down new recipes I have created.  I have generously decided to share with you again and I've posted them on my recipe blog.  Why should my family be the only ones who benefit from my fabulousness in cooking?  Please weigh in and tell me what you think.  I have made up most of the recipes on my blog, the ones that are not solely mine are noted, so be nice.

Happy Birthday to Me

I decided last year that I was never going to reveal my age again.  A lady never does, you know.  Son would ask me  how old I was and I would tell him it was a secret, all he ever needs to know is that his mommy is young and beautiful.  True story, but obnoxious, right? (right)

So last year I turned none-of-your-business, and this year I thought I was going to turn a-lady-never-reveals-her-age.  But apparently with age comes wisdom, and who cares, really?  So this year I turned 30.  Maybe next year I will turn a-lady-never-reveals....

My dear sister showed up with a present for me first thing in the morning(self portraits to follow of me in my lovely pink ensemble,)  Then a visit from a dear friend with yet another one.  Numerous texts and calls and messages later, I am feeling pretty popular this year.  30 may not be so bad, or were they all just feeling pity for the old lady?

My darling husband took the day off to pamper me, and in doing so sent an email to his director telling her that I was celebrating my 29th birthday.  Heehee, I guess the lies were taking effect on him finally.  And now I ruined it by coming out with the truth.  Darnit, will I never be able to lie effectively?

And he made from-scratch pancakes for me.  All by himself for the first time(with a little stirring from a lovely assistant.)   I just helped tell him the recipe(I guess I should write it down for future generations to know of my splendiferous pancakes.[Oh, wait, I think I kinda posted it on my recipe blog already{note to self.}]

Then we went for a romantic dinner to a lovely place we hadn't been in many years.  It was almost quiet.  We did make a small mistake in choosing a secluded table in the corner.  There was a very talkative person at the next table, so talkative that I think the whole restaurant listened to him prattle on.  The whole time.  I whispered at one point to L, "Has he even stopped to take a bite?"  Apparently he had, but somehow the one-sided chatter hadn't been interrupted long enough for me to notice.  It was sorta funny, and the food was delicious, so we didn't mind too much.  We just stared into each other's eyes in between checking out the numerous tattoos on the waiter.  It was really quite romantic.  Then a romantic trip to a not-so-romantic store that I will not name.  Luckily, I wore my "comfortable" heels.  Meaning I can shop blister-free, but not pain-free.  Beauty is pain.  My mantra for this year.  Then to pick up the kids from my lovely sister/sitter-for-the-night.  Then back home for comfy clothes and TV shows.  All in all, one of the best birthdays I've had.  So I might as well celebrate it.  With a giant ice cream cake.
The End.

October 8, 2009

A Change

Thanks to a dear friend, I have made a small decision.  I am going to lay low(er), www-wise.  I have been thinking about ways to keep myself and my family more secure online.  I did not want to privatize my blog and exclude some family members from being able to see it, so I have changed my URL and removed all of our names.  If you know us, you have the pleasure of knowing our names and locations.  If not, you shall be doomed to forever wonder.  Sorry, them's the breaks.  So let me introduce myself.  My name is J, a woman, wife and mother, among other things.  My husband is L, and we have two gorgeous children, whose names for this purpose, are Son and Daughter(or Sister and Brother, depending on my mood.)  We live in a cute little town near a cute little city in a cute biggish state. 

Why continue blogging at all, you ask?  Well, thanks so much for caring!  My blog makes me happy! I love looking back at the cute pictures and my cuter commentary(sorry, a little ego here, the pictures are probably cuter, especially if my darling husband takes them.)  It makes me smile to look at it, and makes me look at the positive things in my life, as I have promised myself that I will never vent or complain here.   It is my oasis, my utopia of all things happy big and small(Utopia...20+ year old inside joke.)  So I will continue to write, to cheer myself and you up.  You're welcome.

October 2, 2009

My Little Hobby

My daughter has a new obsession...ponies.  Many thanks to a dear friend who handed down many lovely ponies and a pony castle to entertain for years to come.

And the ponies have hair.  Lots of hair.  Nylon hair.

It tangles even easier than this beautiful girl's hair.  Hard to believe, but true.

Her hair is a blessing and a curse.
So my new hobby: combing hair.  Pony hair needs fixing every time she wants to play, my job is getting them combed up and ready.  Combing my darling daughter's hair day in and day out.  Combing my son's hair every single day before school.  Then we arrive at school and I think that combing hair has gone out of style.  My son seems to be in an overwhelming minority of children, both male and female, who have their hair combed before school.  When did the bedhead look jump from the runway to the playground?  I must have missed that, but regardless of how pointless or out of style it may be, still I comb.  And will continue to comb for many years.