September 24, 2008


There are so many beautiful things about summertime. Here is one of ours. We had a picnic in the park with some friends from the club and flew kites after. Here are some of the highlights:

A beautiful night in that state where we live, just enough wind to fly kites!
Son finally got over his fear of kites(no kidding.) He wasn't afraid of the actual kite itself, but he was afraid of his kite blowing away.

Daughter had tons of fun, as usual! She would hold on to the kite string and walk and walk! We could not get her to stand still to fly the kite, so L picked her up to help.
But then she let go! Just as I was snapping the picture, hence the nooooo coming from Daddy's mouth!
I was lookin' cute, as always, and forgot to get a picture of myself, as usual! I just want to say: cherish these little moments with your loved ones. It is millions of these little moments that make up our lives.


The Roberts Family said...

OMG... how cute! i want to go fly kites! how fun!!!

Jeremy and Cindy said...

So true. Thanks for sharing your moments.