September 1, 2009


I downloaded quite a few pictures from my camera to show off. I think Pride is my deadly sin. Because I don't think any of the others quite fit me, and I know for sure that I must have one, so I'm guessing it's pride. But every now and then something happens to humble me. Like when I realize that 80% of the otherwise beautiful pictures I was going to brag about are a little...funny looking. And then I examine my camera and there is a CSI-worthy fingerprint right on the lens that gave a nice cloudy glow to my pictures. Not that I intended to brag about my photographic prowess, I was going to brag about the beauty of my life and the subjects of the pictures, not the photos themselves, so I suppose as long as I tell a good story with them you will forgive the cloudy fingerprinted-lensed pictures, just pretend I got a filter and made them that way on purpose for me.

Daughter is 2 now. And she has all the wisdom of a 22-year old. Which, I suppose, is not that much more, is it? But now that she is so grown up and mature she wants to help me cook our meals. I let her help, stirring, measuring mostly, but now she has decided that she is old enough to scramble eggs. She lets me help so she doesn't get burned, so I let her cook.

But then, last week, she decided that she didn't need my help at all any more.

She has also figured out how to undo the child lock we have installed on the refrigerator. While I was occupied washing sheets, she decided to scramble some eggs all by herself. Two dozen of them. But although I should be thankful she did not attempt to scramble them on the stove, strangely I am not. I emerged from the laundry to discover cracked eggs all over the bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, and dog. I wish I'd had the presence of mind to take a few pictures before the long and drawn-out cleaning process, so I can guilt-trip her with them until she is 30, or until I die. But the smell was too much. I may never eat eggs again. On the bright side...the floors got nice and shiny clean again, and again, and again.....and I got to see a dear friend who rushed over to help with the cleanup and smell removal, bless her heart.


Bradley said...

Oh gosh!!!

Love you, and miss you!!! You should come visit me at grandma's some time and you could get some of grandma's awesome from scratch recipes :)

Jeremy and Cindy said...

Hopefully one day you will be able to laugh about it with her. I am sure the mess wasn't any fun to clean up.