April 23, 2009

The difference between boys and girls

I never had a Barbie corvette when I was a girl. So I would raid my mom's closet for the highest heels I could find. Those were my Barbie corvette. And let me tell you, Barbie was looking HOT in her new car! Now I find Daughter already raiding my closet for MY hottest heels. And her mommy loves stillettos. She puts them on and walks around just like mommy. Her feet are so tiny they fit in the level part of the shoe, so she is really quite stable in them. Consequently, I am always picking up scattered heels from every corner of the house.

This morning Son ran by the kitchen, where I was doing dishes, with a black stilleto in his hand. I stopped him and asked if he would please put it back in my closet. He said, "Okay, Mom, but your shoe looks like a gun!"

And that, my friends, is the difference between boys and girls.


Lori said...

hey at least he didn't put it on too! :D

The Roberts Family said...

lol ! thats too funny!!! boys will be boys!

Jeremy and Cindy said...

I to remember using shoes for Barbie cars. I wonder if I learned it from you?