February 10, 2009

Snow Day!!

Look what we woke up to this morning:


Son has played in a tiny bit of snow before, I think twice in his young life. But this year he has been asking about it a lot, "Why don't we have snow? I want to play in the snow." He doesn't remember ever being in the snow before. I promised him that if the mountains get snow, I will take him to play in it before winter is over. But it looks like the man upstairs heard the pleas of a little boy, because he was "so incided" this morning when he woke up to white stuff everywhere he looked.
Daughter is saying a new word today: "Hat" Exciting, I know. She has been very intentional about new words she learns these days. She enunciates so carefully..."Boookk" "HHaatt" to make sure she says it just right! She is a hoot!I bundled the kids up ever so carefully in their scarves, hats, mittens, but neglected to plan so well for myself, so we made a mini-snowman. If I had tried to make a full-sized snowman, I fear it would have been at the expense of a frostbitten finger or two. So here he is: carrot nose, raisin eyes in all his momentary winter glory. Son wanted to have a snowball fight, and as I bent over to roll a snowball, he hit me with the first one. He aimed perfectly, and I got snow up the back of my shirt and down the back of my pants...CCCCCCCCCCOLD! I was already half frozen, so before we went inside, I made a snow angel. Son had the idea first, laid down in the snow and got right back up, saying "I don't like that idea anymore." Yeah...cold!

Then, just as we got inside and peeled off our cold wet layers, we got one more happy surprise: Daddy! He had gone into work just to find out that they closed down for today, so he got a snow day too!! We love our Daddy so much and it is not often he gets to stay home with us in the middle of the week! And even better, we can't go anywhere because of the snow! So we are bundling up beside the fire and staying inside ALL DAY LONG for the first time in a LONG time! Hot Chocolate, extra marshmallows, anyone?
UPDATE: Conversation I just overheard: (PG-13, so beware!)
Daddy: Hey Son, do you have to go pee?
(I'm wondering, is he doing a dance or something?)
Daddy: Do you want to go pee in the snow?
Son: That's disgusting! You aren't supposed to pee in the snow...
(Door closes, I imagine Daddy is teaching his son all there is to know about life, which is: NEVER EAT YELLOW SNOW!)
Have a happy snow day, if you have one, and sorry for you if you don't!


Nora said...

Wow you guys got quite a lot! Love reading about your fam. ♥ Nora

Jeremy and Cindy said...

Looks like you had a great snow day. We got enough to say it snowed but it was mostly melted by 8:00 that moring.