February 24, 2009

Once There was a Girl...

...who was wandering through her life, willy-nilly as the wind blew her. She was insecure and indecisive and made her choices as she was thrown into them by circumstance. If a boy liked her, she liked him back(for a minute, then threw him back.) If something came easy to her, she did it. If something was difficult, she didn't. She was beautiful, but didn't know it. She was intelligent and talented, but she didn't think so. She had a few friends, but didn't feel like anyone really cared about her or understood her...

Then there was a boy. He was a fighter. When he saw something he wanted, he fought for it. If there was something he cared about, he would never give up until he was the best, and even then he would not stop. He was very handsome and charismatic, everyone wanted to be around him. He was easy to get to know, but hard to know well. He had friends by the hundreds, but still, he needed something...

Then one day the boy saw a picture of the girl. He saw something in her. He knew she was destined to be his. And he was destined to belong to her. He met the girl, but the wind blew her in another direction. He was undaunted, and chased the windblown girl until she saw him. Really saw him. Then the girl saw in his eyes what he had already seen in hers...and they never parted.

The Beginning.