December 11, 2008

The New De La Hoya

Please forgive me, for I fear this post is not exactly in the positive spirit I am trying to keep on my blog. I believe after the terrible defeat De La Hoya suffered the other day, he may soon retire. But never fear, boxing fans, I have spawned his replacement! (Yikes!)
My sweet Son got in a real live fight at preschool yesterday. I am feeling very conflicted about it. He was sent to the office and they told him he would be sent home next time. However, as the teacher was telling me about the incident, she said that she did not blame him for fighting because the other kid had told him he was going to kill his mom(me.) I was terribly saddened at the thought of the fight, but he is a Momma's boy and he was fighting for me, so I couldn't get too angry at him. Son told me the other boy also told Son he would cut Son's head off, and that also appalled me that a preschooler would say those things. I am asking a little advice from you, my wise friends. What should I do about this? Should I do anything? I told him that Mommy and Daddy don't hit people when they get mad, and that is not the way to handle things. I have talked to him about using his words and not letting things that people say get him upset, but I have not really punished him, and I am conflicted as to whether I should punish him or what punishment should be appropriate. So, any advice on that? Please don't judge us!


Jeremy and Cindy said...

That is a tough one. I think you have handled it well so for. As far as a punishment, he was punished at school. So he is aware of hitting not being a good choice. Beyond that I don't know what would be best. It is scare to think that a preschooler would be saying such things. What is this world coming to. I guess we have to work all the harder to teach our children what is right. You are doing a great job with your kids.
P.S. I am glad to hear your fear of driving is getting a little better. Oh, and my mother-in-law is having surgery on Monday. We will see what happens after that.

Jessica Everleth said...

I agree don't punish him too much. It is punishment enough to have to go see the "principal" at that age. I would feel good though, that he is strong and confident enough to stand up to those who are trying to make him feel bad. I would ask though, where the teachers are when this is happening? They are not only there to teach but to keep things in hand. Parents should be able to trust that Teachers are not only going to keep their kids safe at school, but help in promoting high self esteem and confidence. He is a good kid and you have taught him the difference in right and wrong.

Nora said...

Awww man the inevitable bullying of school. Starts waaayyy earlier now than it did when we were kids. Emma was flipped off several times in 1st grade and just the other day a couple boys told her she was fat. The girl "cliques" are bad too. And even a substitute teacher called her a name in class her Kindergarten year. That is when I learned what kind of principal my kids had at their school--a school I chose after much research and having to open enroll them into. My advice would be to keep very open channels with your childrens' teachers, as it seems you already have. Don't forget your kids come first. I have a habit of brushing off the little things my girls come home saying happened each day because sometimes kids can distort what really happened. I really need to work on that. I still haven't gotten to the bottom of why Abbey got sent to the office the other day. She says it was her friend kissing the boy--not her. She gives me a whole different set of things to worry about than Emma. *sigh*

J-mama said...

Thanks for the reassurance. He was remorseful, which I was glad about, and we'll see how today goes!

Yadirapocketfullofhopes said...

I agree with you 100% what you said to Julian was very wise. I would talk to the teacher and ask her to talk to the kid's parents. This are usually signs that a child is being neglected at home and should raise a red flag to the teacher.. I wonder how many other kids the other boy said mean things to. That makes me sad that someone that young would say those hurtful things to the most loving little boy I know! As far as punishing Julian I do not think he deserves to be punished because he is a smart boy and undersood what you were trying to tell him. Love ya!

angiedunn said...

well...i'm definitely not the one to give parenting advice...

but myron wants to know: did he win the fight???? lol.

bein a mom is rough, girl. but you are awesome with your kids: you are doing all the right things.

The Roberts Family said...

i know this has nothing to do with your post but what size had dose Luis wear?

J-mama said...

Ok, Myron! I didn't ask him if he won because I didn't want him to think I was encouraging him! But Luis says OF COURSE he won!
Audrey, I'm not sure what size you mean, but shirts he is XL, I'm not sure about pants right now(he's gotten so skinny (: ) and hats...I peeked and his fav hat is 7 5/8. Hope that helps...let me know if you need more...