This mommy had a rough week before Mother's Day. My dear children were mildly sick, but contagious. And so, my dear Dewey stayed home from school an entire week. Chiquita was glad to have someone to play with at first, but she soon tired of competing for toys and Mommy's attention. We all had a week-long case of the Crankies, I think. But there were many cute and quality moments to be had among the contagion(and doctor's appointments.)Here are one of the moments of cuteness I captured: The wedding of Barbie and Batman.

I purchased a second hand vintage Barbie house{and 80's clothes galore} for Chiquita a couple weeks ago, but had not sat down to play with it with her. Of course, once Mommy was playing, Dewey wanted to play. Since He was playing, his superheroes of all shapes and sizes had to crash the wedding. Barbie's dress was like the ghost of bad dresses past, with matching veil of spiky tulle! We did update it with some sassy ankle-strapped stillettos. Of course, Barbie being the amazon she is, the bride towered over the Bat-groom by half. We can't decide on their celebrity couple name though, Barman or Batbie? But still, it was cute to see the spectators lined up, dressed in their very best! You can see the Barbie side of the aisle and the superhero side, can't you? It really was the event of the season. Until the whole affair was broken up by the bad guys!