April 12, 2010

March Writing Journal of a Kindergartener

March 2nd
I got crust(crushed) by a bldr.(boulder)
I am ufrad(afraid) of snac.(snake)
I see a bldr. (boulder)
I am in a log cabin.
I am the cat in the hat.

March 5th
I am in a game.
Mistr cat haw(how) long is your hat?
I am the uletic spidr-man. (electric spider-man??)
I see a leprcon.(leprechaun)
I am a fat cat.
How toll(tall)are you?

March 9th
I am a cunstrution man. (construction)
I am the ridlr. (riddler, from batman)
I am undr the site.(city)

March 12th
Come in me.
I am you.
I see cowe tiping. (cows typing{remember that book?})
Look at the cat.

March 23rd
I am spidr-boy.
I am on nopapr. (newspaper)
I tript irnman. (tripped ironman)

March 30th
I am a pilit.(pilot)
In my home I play.
I found a riddl. (riddle)
I liv(e) in a nest.

At the end of every month I laugh to see these. Not at the mistakes, of course, but at the flood of thoughts that go through my son's head all at once. But some of the spelling makes for a very interesting read! Enjoy!


Annette said...

I loved those! Thanks for sharing!