August 29, 2008

Our Garden

We managed to grow a garden this year for the first time ever! I have tried several times to even keep a house plant alive, I never seemed to water it right. Always too much or not enough=dead plants. So L handled the initial planting and watering, and once it was established a bit then I dared to come near it. Here is our first sprout(zucchini) we grew.
The day we took this picture we went to my Grandpa O's house. We told he and Grandma about our first sprout of our garden, we were so excited that we finally got something to grow...until Grandpa showed us his plants. He had planted them roughly at the same time and his garden was jungle-like! I wasn't too jealous, though, because I was just happy that we didn't waste all that time and water for nothing at all to come up. But before we knew it, we had things like this growing:
Now we have all the zucchini and yellow squash we can eat, and tons of butternut and watermelon coming soon!
We had also planted cucumbers, which apparently make very tasty plants for squirrels... so we were left with a bare row of dirt in the middle of the garden. So I took a few seeds from a butternut squash I was cooking and literally stuck them into the ground right out of the squash. My green thumb must have finally developed, because they grew and filled in every spare inch of the garden! We have just picked the first of them. I highly recommend attempting a garden, it has been such fun for our whole family, Son is learning so much and will eat anything that comes out of a garden, ours or someone else's. Not to mention the sprinklers are great fun!
One more funny anecdote: L worked very hard prepping the soil to plant our garden. He has a tendency never to buy the right amounts of things for projects... he either runs out and has to go back to the store 5 times, or he buys way too much of things. Case in point: manure. We were running errands as a family with both cars on one warm afternoon. One of the errands was buying manure for our garden prep, another was getting the tires rotated. L bought 12 huge bags of manure and loaded them into the back of our newish Rodeo. We walked around the shopping center for a while after that because the tire rotation took quite a bit longer than we anticipated. After a while we decided to go ahead and take the kids home in the rodeo and leave Luis behind to bring the car when it was finished, they were getting cranky and it was getting pretty hot out. As we approached the parking spot where we left the Rodeo, we discovered what 12 bags of manure smell like after heating up in an enclosed car for a hour. The poor kids had to ride home 15 minutes in that stench...UGH! I swear it took a couple months before the Rodeo was back to its nice coconut tree smell again. After all of that, we now have EIGHT fifty pound bags of @#%! left over still smelling up the backyard when the wind blows just right. The good news is, it is not going to go bad and smell any worse. And, of course, in case we have a worldwide manure shortage, we are COVERED!

August 28, 2008


I thought I'd go ahead and (re)introduce my family. Here is my hubby, L:

We have been together our whole lives, I think. So long that I dare not admit it because it would reveal how old I am. I know everyone thinks their loved ones are super special, and I'm sure they are, but I am convinced that he's way up there among the best of the best. When his mother-in-law tells someone that he is going to heaven for sure(paraphrasing, but that's what she said) then you know he is an amazing man. His love and sacrifice of anything and everything for me and his children seems to neverending. I have been very limited physically in the last year, but he simply steps in and fills in the blanks of things I can't do, without complaint. Ok, enough mushy stuff for now...
Here is "my sweet Son" as he sometimes calls himself: He'll bring me the camera and say, "Here, do you want to take of picture of my sweet Julian?" I guess I've said that to him a few times. Most of the time it's true...but he is still a kid, and a boy at that, so he is not perfect all the time. We're working on it, though. He started preschool three weeks ago and loves it. I was excited for him to go, but a bit sad also. I was surprised to find that having to get dressed and go "into town" to drop him off every day was good for me, too. I get my day started earlier, and the time he's gone is just long enough to get a few chores done.
The last, but (definitely) not least, member of my family is Daughter.
This girl is such an incredible joy to have in my life. She cracks us up and loves everyone as much as we love her. We have a chair that Julian has to sit in for time out from time to time. When his time is up and he gets out of the chair, she will go and climb in it just to do everything he does. She is at the age where she wants to do everything we do; dishes, laundry(like me,) yell, climb on things(like Son,) etc. etc.
So there they are: I love and cherish them and I am so grateful that God has blessed us all to be together still and all in one piece(mostly!) so we can be able to have more good days and bad ones, too.

So here it is, my brand-new baby blog! I have decided to give it a go and keep my loved ones in the loop of my life. I am aiming to focus on the positive things that are happening and the things I am grateful for, hence the gracias. I think there are always things in life that are not so pleasant, but they are no fun to share! So thanks for visiting me, and I hope to better keep in touch with some of you!